Today while reading on Mastodon, I came across the following...
This image/ photo and comment got me thinking; and, that’s a dangerous thing. My thoughts went something as follows:
I agree with Steve Blair, Trump is the pawn (of many special interests, oligarchs, and more, not just Russia) . Additionally, I would add:
Trump is basically incapable of independent, thoughtful action.
What he does is to bounce from pillar to post in order to accumulate personal wealth, personal power.
But and this is important, Trump thinks he's a King.
Further reflection leads me to think even if Trump is King (as he clearly wants) he ignores many leadership rules that chess teaches.
A King, in chess:
Is limited to a single square move, but as king, he can move in any direction.
Trump clearly tries moving in all directions whenever he believes that a pivot to a new direction will benefit him.
Is guarded on the right and LEFT by two trusted Knights.
Trump clearly is not. The most generous assessment of his guards are that they exist on the right; but I'm actually doubtful that even that holds true broadly.
Is also protected by two Rooks (symbolizing Counts, Earls, etc.)
Again the symbolization of the rooks being on both sides of the king politically does not hold true for America's 'Dear Leader'. Trump does not constructively engage those who do not pledge fealty to him personally. If you disagree, you are ignored or attacked.
Pawns, representing the masses or peasants, are clearly needed for the King’s protection in chess because they are capable of guarding and providing the King a safe haven when he’s under attack.
Given Trump's assaults (feigned or directed) on all those who are not white English speaking males, it is doubtful America's pawns will line up to 'save Trump’s bacon' when push comes to shove.
Now for my 'coup de grâce', who is the Chess King's most powerful protector by far? The Queen!
Photo by Alejandro Cartagena 🇲🇽🏳🌈 on Unsplash No matter how you read the Queen, as represented either by Melania or the LGBTQ+ community, King Trump lacks protection and/or allegiance here as well.
I’m certain others can dream up additional metaphors, analogies. Nevertheless, the original image (above) and the game of chess provide very instructive lessons/ learnings.